Friday, 3 February 2012


Last night was a pretty chilled night for our last night in Berlin. We would have loved to have gone out and partied a bit, but we were just so exhausted. Being so cold all the time really takes it out of you. That being said, we spent the evening at the hostel chatting to heaps of awesome people we met, so it wasn't a wasted evening. This morning we were the Berlin Hauptbahnhof in time to catch a 10.45am train to Prague. It was a direct route, thankfully, and we only moved once. The ride took just under 5 hours, but my goodness, the scenery was beautiful. We trained along a lot of rivers that had beautiful valleys with summer cabins lined up along the river and the edge of the woods. It seriously looked like something out of a fairytale. Training across Europe is such a comfortable way to travel, and it means you see so much of the countryside. We saw people ice-skating on the frozen rivers, and even a herd of wild deer!

When we got into Prague we found our hostel pretty easily and we were all hit with an extreme wave of tiredness. We ended up walking to a pizzeria for dinner and have since all crawled back to our dorm and expect to stay here until we fall asleep. Tomorrow we will do another one of those awesome free walking tours.


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