Tuesday 1 January 2013


MoP (Month of Poetry) takes place in January and is coordinated by Aussie children's author Kathryn Apel and you can find out more about it here. I have decided to take part for the first time this year (which also helps with #4 of my NY resolutions - see previous post) but I haven't formally signed up. I'm just going to potter along quietly and post them on my blog as I write them. At this stage I plan to post all of them here, that is, one a day, but if for some reason I decide I'd rather not attach it to a blog with my name, if it turns too personal or something, I'll keep it to myself. Disclaimer: I AM TERRIBLE AT POETRY. You've been warned.

So, numero uno:

moon, fat, yellow
hanging wet and spider-like
windows made of tree branches
and stars
an upside-down sun

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